A mother. A loving partner. A grandmother. A son.

PrimaryOne Health is more than just a primary care provider. PrimaryOne Health works to connect patients to resources to ensure that they are healthy in all aspects of their life. It’s not simply about providing quality healthcare, it’s about serving the whole person. Here are a few folks who shared their story of who PrimaryOne Health is to them.

“Thank  you for everything.

Thank you so much.”

Jason came to PrimaryOne Health’s Medical Respite Program from St. Ann’s Hospital in October after having a series of skin graphs. While in recuperative care, PrimaryOne Health Community Health Outreach Workers helped to connect him to community resources to help him get back on his feet.

In less than 45 days, Jason was able to independently gain employment as well as housing for his family through the help of the outreach workers. Jason is so grateful for the help he received at the Medical Respite Site PrimaryOne Health offers through our Healthcare for the Homeless Program.

Four generations of Candi’s family are PrimaryOne Health patients. Her mother, three of her children, and five of her grandchildren, are all patients of PrimaryOne Health.

July of 2011, Candi’s daughter passed away and she was left to raise her 5 year-old grandson. In order to maintain continuity of care for her grandson, Candi, became a patient herself in January 2012. Concerned with the stigma associated with Community Health Centers, Candi’s anxieties were quelled when she was welcomed by smiling, friendly faces in the office. Because of PrimaryOne Health’s Integrated Behavioral Health Services, Candi was able to address her grief from her loss as well as her physical/medical health. Because of her experience, by December of 2012, Candi became a patient board member. As a Federally Qualified Health Center, PrimaryOne Health’s Board of Directors must be comprised of 51% patient members to help ensure patient representation and accountability. Making healthcare accessible, eliminating barriers and providing quality healthcare services is what PrimaryOne Health is all about.


“ I am honored to be both a patient and a board member. I am PrimaryOne Health”

“[Estoy] muy mejor por lo que aprendi con ellas”

(I am much better for what I learned from them)

Meet Marisol*

Marisol came to America with her son from Guatemala to stay with family. After being in Columbus for three months, she joined the CenteringPregnancy Program. Marisol was shy. She didn’t have any friends here in Columbus, but was surrounded by a supportive family. Through CenteringPregnancy, Marilsol made friends and learned about creating her own birth plan. She has already received a crib and a car seat through PrimaryOne Health’s partnerships with the City of Columbus. “[Estoy] muy major por lo que aprendi con ellas” (I am much better for what I learned from them) she says. Marisol is looking forward to sharing skin-to-skin time with her new baby after birth, something that she was not able to experience with her first born in Guatemala.

*Name changed to protect privacy of patient