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CenteringPregnancy® is an evidence-based program that provides prenatal care in a group setting where pregnant women receive their prenatal care through interactive learning and community building. Expectant mothers are empowered to take part in their care by taking their own blood pressures, weights, and urine dips at each of their visits. Pregnant women are encouraged to enroll in the program as early as their first trimester up to their 24th week of pregnancy. They are grouped in a cohort of eight to twelve women with similar due dates. They complete up to 10 two-hour sessions filled with camaraderie, conversation, learning, and food.

CenteringPregnancy has been shown to increase rates of live births, decrease infant mortality rates and decrease preterm births by 33%. This program is available at four different OB site locations in EnglishSpanish, and Somali. Participation is free to all.


Are you pregnant?

For more information on how to become a CenteringPregnancy patient, call (614) 645-5500 or (614) 715-2983 for an Obstetrics Intake appointment.